IBC Transfer

Understand how to use the IBC Transfer components

IBC Transfer

import {
} from '@leapwallet/elements'
import '@leapwallet/elements/styles.css'

const YourDapp = () => {
  // trigger the dApp's connect wallet flow
  const connectWallet = () => {}
  // set this to the currently connected wallet
  const connectedWalletType = WalletType.LEAP

  return (
    <div className="leap-ui">
        <IBCTransfer />


className (optional)

Add classes to customise the styling

title (optional)

Use to set the title of tab.

Default Value - "IBC Swaps"


Use to set custom text for source section header

Default Value - "You're sending"


Use to set custom text for destination section header

Default Value - "To"

showPoweredByBanner (optional)

This is a boolean which toggles the visibility for the powered by text for the tab - Powered by Leap and Skip

Default Value - false

defaultValues (optional)

This is an object that contains the default values for the tab

  • sourceChainId: chainId of the source chain

  • sourceAsset: denom of source asset

  • inputAmount: input amount of swap in string

allowedSourceChains (optional)

Pass in an array of objects with a chainId property set to the chains you want to display on the source side.

const allowedSourceChains = [
    { chainId: 'cosmoshub-4' },  // cosmos hub mainnet
    { chainId: 'noble-1' },      // noble mainnet
    { chainId: 'osmosis-1' }     // osmosis mainnet

txnLifecycleHooks (optional)

This is an object that contains the callbacks for transaction lifecycle

  • onTxnSignInit - callback fired when a transaction signing request is initiated

  • onTxnSignApproved - callback fired when a transaction signing request is approved and the transaction has been accepted on chain

  • onTxnSignFailed - callback fired when a transaction signing request is rejected from wallet

  • onTxnComplete - callback fired when a swap completes

  • onTxnInProgress - callback fired when a transaction is initiated, you can return a cleanup callback that fires when the transaction has been accepted on chain

onValuesChange (optional)

This a callback which is fired when following values are changed for a swap

  • sourceChainId: chainId of the source chain

  • sourceAsset: denomination of source asset

  • destinationChainId: chainId of the destination chain

  • inputAmount: input amount of swap in string

Last updated