Multi View

The MultiView component is a versatile interface that integrates three key functionalities: Swaps, Buy, and Transfer, all within a single view.

This component is designed to allow users to navigate between these functionalities effortlessly.


className (optional):

Add classes for custom styling to the container of this component

tabsConfig (optional): A configuration object that allows you to enable or disable specific tabs within the MultiView component. You can also set the order in which these tabs appear. The configuration is structured as follows:

export type TabsConfig = {
  [Tabs.TRANSFER]?: TransferTabConfig, // Configuration for the Transfer tab
  [Tabs.FIAT_ON_RAMP]?: FiatOnRampTabConfig, // Configuration for the Buy tab
  [Tabs.SWAPS]?: AggregatedSwapTabConfig, // Configuration for the Swaps tab

Each config option accepts all the props accepted by the respective components. You can refer to those props here -

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