Suggest chain : Add Leap to a non-native chain

Warning: This is an experimental feature supported on both the Leap extension and the mobile apps

Leap's 'suggest chain' feature allows front-ends to request adding new Cosmos-SDK based blockchains that isn't natively integrated to Leap extension or the Leap mobile app If the same chain is already added to Leap, nothing will happen. If the user rejects the request, an error will be thrown.

This allows all Cosmos-SDK blockchains to have permissionless, instant wallet and transaction signing support for front-ends.

interface ChainInfo {
    readonly rpc: string;
    readonly rest: string;
    readonly chainId: string;
    readonly chainName: string;
    * This indicates the type of coin that can be used for stake.
    * You can get actual currency information from Currencies.
    readonly stakeCurrency: Currency;
    readonly walletUrlForStaking?: string;
    readonly bip44: {
        coinType: number;
    readonly alternativeBIP44s?: BIP44[];
    readonly bech32Config: Bech32Config;
    readonly currencies: AppCurrency[];
    * This indicates which coin or token can be used for fee to send transaction.
    * You can get actual currency information from Currencies.
    readonly feeCurrencies: FeeCurrency[];
    * Indicate the features supported by this chain. Ex) cosmwasm, secretwasm ...
    readonly features?: string[];
    theme: {
          primaryColor: '#fff',
            'linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.32) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%)',
    image: string
experimentalSuggestChain(chainInfo: SuggestingChainInfo): Promise<void>

Usage examples and recommendations

Example Value



Address of RPC endpoint of the chain. Default port is 26657



Address of REST/API endpoint of the chain. Default port is 1317. Must be enabled in app.toml



Keplr has a feature which automatically detects when the chain-id has changed, and automatically update to support new chain. However, it should be noted that this functionality will only work when the chain-id follows the {identifier}-{version}(ex.cosmoshub-4) format. Therefore, it is recommended that the chain follows the chain-id format.


{ coinDenom: "ATOM", coinMinimalDenom: "uatom", coinDecimals: 6, coinGeckoId: "cosmos", }

Information on the staking token of the chain


The URL for the staking interface frontend for the chain. If you don't have a staking interface built, you can use Lunie Light (opens new window)which supports Keplr.



BIP44 coin type for address derivation. We recommend using 118(Cosmos Hub) as this would provide good Ledger hardware wallet compatibility by utilizing the Cosmos Ledger app.


{ bech32PrefixAccAddr: "cosmos", bech32PrefixAccPub: "cosmos" + "pub", bech32PrefixValAddr: "cosmos" + "valoper", bech32PrefixValPub: "cosmos" + "valoperpub", bech32PrefixConsAddr: "cosmos" + "valcons", bech32PrefixConsPub: "cosmos" + "valconspub"}

Bech32 config using the address prefix of the chain


[ { coinDenom: "ATOM", coinMinimalDenom: "uatom", coinDecimals: 6, coinGeckoId: "cosmos", }, ]



[ { coinDenom: "ATOM", coinMinimalDenom: "uatom", coinDecimals: 6, coinGeckoId: "cosmos", gasPriceStep: { low: 0.01, avergage: 0.025, high: 0.04 } }, ]

List of fee tokens accepted by the chain's validator. Each fee token can have gas price step. Gas price step is used to set the fee of the transaction. If this field is empty, it would use the default gas price step (low: 0.01, average: 0.025, high: 0.04).



secretwasm - Secret Network WASM smart contract transaction support ibc-transfer - For IBC transfers (ICS 20) enabled chains. For Stargate (cosmos-sdk v0.40+) chains, Keplr will check the on-chain params and automatically enable IBC transfers if it’s available) cosmwasm - For CosmWasm smart contract support (currently broken, in the process of being fixed) ibc-go - For chains that use the ibc-go module separated from the cosmos-sdk



remote url (optional)


{ primaryColor: color,

gradient: gradient-color }



await window.leap.experimentalSuggestChain({
  chainId: "canto_7700-1",
  chainName: "canto",
  rest: "",
  rpc: "",
  bip44: {
    coinType: 60,
  bech32Config: {
    bech32PrefixAccAddr: "canto",
    bech32PrefixAccPub: "canto" + "pub",
    bech32PrefixValAddr: "canto" + "valoper",
    bech32PrefixValPub: "canto" + "valoperpub",
    bech32PrefixConsAddr: "canto" + "valcons",
    bech32PrefixConsPub: "canto" + "valconspub",
  currencies: [
      coinDenom: "canto",
      coinMinimalDenom: "acanto",
      coinDecimals: 18,
      coinGeckoId: "canto",
  feeCurrencies: [
      coinDenom: "canto",
      coinMinimalDenom: "acanto",
      coinDecimals: 18,
      coinGeckoId: "canto",
      gasPriceStep: {
        low: 0.01,
        average: 0.025,
        high: 0.04,
  stakeCurrency: {
    coinDenom: "canto",
    coinMinimalDenom: "acanto",
    coinDecimals: 18,
    coinGeckoId: "cosmos",
  theme: {
    primaryColor: "#fff",
      "linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.32) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%)",

Last updated