Usage without UI

If you don't want to use the pre-built react UI components, we also expose a core package that you can use with your custom UI.


yarn add @leapwallet/embedded-wallet-sdk-core


User Balances

You can use the fetchBalance function to balances of a wallet

const result = await fetchBalance(restUrl, address, params)

Parameters -

  1. restUrl - base URL of the node

  2. address - wallet address

  3. params (optional) -

const params = {
    pagination: {
        limit: 1000, // results per page
        key: '' // key for pagination

Return Value -

A list of object of the following type

  denom: string;
  amount: string;

User Transactions

You can use the fetchTransactions function

// specify if the address was the sender or the recipeint of the transactions
const transfer: 'sender' | 'receipient' = 'sender'

const result = fetchTransactions(
    pagination: {
      limit: 100,
      offset: 0,

Parameters -

  • restUrl - base URL of the node

  • address - wallet address

  • params - pagination and related parameters

Return Value -

The return value is an object with two properties -

  1. total - the total number of transactions for this address

  2. transactions - the list of transactions on the current page (pagination)

    total: number;
    transactions: unknown[];

Last updated